If you plan to submit SAT® or ACT® scores with your application, they’ll likely impact your chances of acceptance. Preparation can be the key to making those scores work in your favor. But what’s the best way to prepare? How do you practice? Does tutoring make sense? How can you bulk up your vocabulary?The SAT originally stood for the “Scholastic Aptitude Test.” As the test evolved, they dropped the name, and its now just known as the SAT. Developed in 1959, the ACT originally stood for “American College Testing.” Over time, they dropped the long name. Now the ACT acronym stands for itself. This App offers a step-by-step program designed to make you feel confident and well prepared when you sit down on the day of the SAT/ACT test. It teaches you the test-taking techniques and helps you polish the language skills you need to do well. Our SAT/ACT prep courses include full-length practice tests, customized study plans, on-demand lessons and more.The ACT test measures what a student already knows. It covers material that the student should have learned during high school. The SAT test is used more as a predictor of what a student is capable of learning. It deals with material that the student may NOT have learned in high school.